"Perform DMARC verification for your domain to continue sending emails."

It appears that Gmail and Yahoo have made changes to their email verification policies, which affects the sending of emails from your own business email address via Shopify and Klaviyo. Here are the steps you need to follow to continue meeting their requirements:

Verify Your Email Address: This is an important step to prove that you are the owner of the email address you are using. How you do this depends on your email provider, but it usually involves clicking on a verification link sent to your email address.

Add a DMARC Record to Your Domain: DMARC stands for "Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance." It is an email validation system designed to protect email domains from spoofing, phishing, and other cyber attacks. Adding a DMARC record to your DNS (Domain Name System) helps to improve your email authentication and ensures that your messages are accepted by major email providers like Gmail and Yahoo.

To add a DMARC record, you need to:

  • Log in to the control panel of your domain registrar.
  • Navigate to the DNS management page.
  • Add a new TXT record for DMARC. The value of this record contains policy information that indicates how email recipients should handle emails from your domain that do not meet the DMARC checks.

A typical DMARC record looks like this:

v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com;ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com; sp=reject

  • v=DMARC1: This indicates the version of DMARC being used. In this case, it's version 1.

  • p=quarantine: This specifies the policy for email that fails DMARC authentication. In this example, it's set to "quarantine," which means that emails that fail DMARC checks should be treated as suspicious and possibly quarantined.

  • rua=mailto:dmarc@example.com: This is the reporting URI for aggregate reports. It tells receiving mail servers where to send DMARC aggregate reports. In this example, the reports will be sent to the email address dmarc@example.com.

  • ruf=mailto:dmarc@example.com: This is the reporting URI for forensic (failure) reports. It specifies where to send detailed forensic reports about emails that fail DMARC checks.

  • sp=reject: This is the subdomain policy. It indicates the policy to be applied to subdomains of the DMARC record's domain. In this case, it's set to "reject," meaning that any subdomains should also adhere to the DMARC policy of rejecting failed authentication.

Update Your Shopify and Klaviyo Settings: After you have verified your email address and added a DMARC record, make sure to update your Shopify and Klaviyo settings to reflect these changes.

If you do not follow these steps, Shopify and Klaviyo will automatically adjust the sender's address to store@shopifyemail.com / klaviyo.com to continue meeting the email requirements. This is a temporary solution, and it is better to verify your own email address and add a DMARC record for a more professional and reliable appearance to your customers.

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